Here are some recent sketches of weird female characters’ portraits which share a touch of lovely surreal and otherworldly eeriness. Heheh, can you believe I generated this phrase all by myself? But I really did. I guess I can learn from AI, too. Now check out all the beautiful words ChatGPT 4 wrote about my images! Read until end to see my lamish prompt.

The Rose Maiden

In shades of muted green and violet, the first character appears as if plucked from a dream. Her hair is a mesmerizing cascade of delicate petals, and thorns adorn her neck like nature’s jewelry. She embodies the enigmatic allure of a rose, both beautiful and fierce, a symbol of love and strength intertwined. ( I especially love this phrase: “nature’s jewelry” – magical! )

Drawing of a female face which looks like a rose in muted green and violet colors with hair made of petals and thorns on her neck.

Mother Nature’s Embrace

The second character takes us deep into the heart of the natural world. With hair composed of lush, verdant leaves and a crown of plants encircling her, she embodies the spirit of Mother Nature herself. The purple, green, and yellow hues radiate life and vitality, reminding us of the beauty and abundance of the Earth. (This paragraph I altered a bit because the AI fantasized about something very different than my drawing.)

Drawing of a female face which looks like a rose in muted green and violet colors with hair made of petals and thorns on her neck.

The Psychedelic Visionary

Lastly, we encounter a character that seems to have sprung from the depths of a psychedelic trance. Her head is a blazing fire of orange, radiating energy and intrigue. The presence of a third eye on her forehead hints at an otherworldly wisdom, making her appear like an extraterrestrial being with secrets of the cosmos. (This is so cool, too! Like an avid reader, I can’t help but appreciate the magic in this paragraph.)

Psychedelic trippy image of a weird yellow woman with fiery orange head and a third eye on her forehead looking like an otherworldly alien.

The AI-generated conclusion:

These sketches challenge our perceptions and invite us to embrace the weird and wonderful. They remind us that art has the power to transcend boundaries, ignite our imagination, and take us on a journey to uncharted realms. Each of these characters is a testament to the limitless possibilities of creativity and the magic that can be found in the unexpected. (And now this thing with the “testament” – I really hate it. ChatGPT loooves to put it everywhere. I left these words here just because it is so very curious what the AI gets to.)

Ta-da! Behold my lame original prompt:

Generate a short blog post about my Sketches of weird female characters titled like this. Only head portraits are drawn. One girl looks like a rose in muted green and violet colors with hair made of petals and thorns on her neck. The second is Mother Nature – with green leaves hair and plants making a circle around her in vibrant purple, green and yellow colors. The last is a psychedelic trippy image of a weird yellow woman with fiery orange hair and a third eye on her forehead looking like an otherworldly alien.

– Boriana Giormova trying to explain her art to ChatGPT

I hope you find this post at least a bit interesting and amusing to read. I want to make a difference from the boring words that I usually write about my art because I do not feel good about them. And I do not want to write about art at all, I just want to create it. But to argue with AI or to marvel at it – now this is fun! And thanks to all the brilliant unnamed people from whose writings ChatGPT has drawn its eloquence! There just should be a way for current AI’s to credit sources.

See more of my weird women art here.

Find me on Instagram here and on Pinterest here.

Published by borianag

I’m an artist, pharmacist, mother, geek, weirdo. Some of my designs are quirky and fun, some of them – creepy and dark, others – plain geeky.

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