In this fun digital illustration, I drew a whimsical scene that shows a penguin’s inner struggles with body image. This charming character is convinced that it’s gained a few pounds (or should I say, flaps?). This poor penguin is frantically trying to measure its waist circumference with a sewing meter, convinced that it’s not quite… well, flappy enough.

cute penguin character in blue and white who thinks it is fat but it is not and it is measuring its waist circumference with a sewing meter. drawn by Boriana Giormova, Sofia , Bulgaria

But here’s the thing: this penguin’s physical appearance is completely normal! It’s just a penguin doing its penguin thing. Yet, our feathered friend has developed a false negative self-image, convincing itself that it’s somehow flawed or imperfect. This illustration is a nod to the absurdity of body shaming and the importance of embracing our unique qualities.

As we navigate our own insecurities, it’s easy to get caught up in negative thoughts about our bodies. But what if we could reframe our relationship with our physical selves? What if we accepted that it’s okay to not be perfect? This illustration is a reminder that everyone struggles with self-doubt, and that embracing our quirks is on of the keys to something close to happiness.

So, if you’re feeling like this penguin – convinced you’re not quite good enough or that your flaps are too fluffy I just want to remind you that it’s okay to be imperfect. It’s okay to have flaws. And it’s more than okay to experience yourself just the way you are without unnecessary negativity.

Thanks for reading this!

Art prints, T-Shirts and more with this cute animal are available at my Redbubble store:

See more of my animal art here.

Find me on Instagram here and on Pinterest here.

Published by borianag

I’m an artist, pharmacist, mother, geek, weirdo. Some of my designs are quirky and fun, some of them – creepy and dark, others – plain geeky.

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